Integrated Clinical & Wellness Care Services

Diabetes Team

Fruit in a bowl, stethoscope, blood sugar monitor, and blood sugar tracking sheet on a clipboard

Diabetes Team

The Durham Community Health Centre (DCHC) Diabetes Team provides education for adult patients(18+ years old) living with Type 2 diabetes and those identified as being pre-diabetic or at high risk of developing diabetes. The Team’s goal is to empower clients through education and treatment. The Diabetes Team is also here to offer clients useful tools to positively cope, manage their condition and gain independence in living with diabetes.


The team consists of Registered Nurses, Registered Dietitians, a Medical Administrator, and Consulting Endocrinologists. Team members work collaboratively to ensure clients have access to diabetes education, support, and resources that are crucial to their optimal health and wellness.


The Vision of our Diabetes Team is optimal health and quality of life for adults living with, affected by Type 2 diabetes or at risk for diabetes.

We aim for excellence in providing timely and accessible diabetes education for self-management support for adult clients. In collaboration with health care partners, we strive to ensure that clients receive the most appropriate care. The social determinants of health inform how we assist clients in achieving their personal diabetes self-management goals.



Diabetes Team Members

Registered Dietitians (RDs) and Registered Nurses (RNs)
Provide one-to-one counselling education and support to help you manage and understand your Type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, or high-risk factors.


Diabetes Groups
The DCHC Diabetes team offers group workshops to those that may benefit from an interactive learning environment. These groups are facilitated by Diabetes Educators (RN and RD).



Please click the buttons below for additional resources from our Diabetes Team:







For additional resources to help prevent and manage Diabetes, please visit:



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