Equity-Based Programs

Unsheltered Health & Wellness

Silhouette of one individual helping another up to a platform with multi-coloured houses in the background

Unsheltered Health & Wellness

At Durham Community Health Centre, we have a deep commitment to the health and wellness of unsheltered individuals living in the Durham region. From our Welcoming Streets housing-first initiative, to our well-established efforts of bringing Hepatitis C and Harm Reduction testing and education to community members via our Mobile Clinics, to our medical and outreach teams work closely together to improve the well-being and day-to-day living situations of unsheltered individuals in our community.

Housing-first Initiatives

Our Welcoming Streets initiative, in alignment with Durham Region’s Street Outreach Strategy, offers intensive case management to individuals experiencing homelessness, with the goal of securing permanent housing and providing ongoing support. Upon graduation from the program, participants have the option to engage in the After-Care program, which offers long-term, less intense case management to ensure housing stability and personal growth. Last fiscal year, our Welcoming Streets Team was able to support 36 individuals and secure housing for 18 of them.


Hepatitis C Education and Awareness

Our Hepatitis C Team consists of a consulting Hepatologist, Hepatitis C Treatment Nurse, Outreach Worker, Social Worker and Program Coordinator. The members of the viral Hepatitis C (HCV) team work collaboratively to provide seamless multidisciplinary care and treatment for marginalized population members with HCV and offer support to clients at risk of acquiring, living with, or who may be affected by HCV. The team also offers post-treatment for Hep C, and comprehensive medical-and psycho-social support and treatment, in collaboration and consultation with the team-treating physician.


For more information, visit our Hepatitis C Team page.


Harm Reduction and Awareness

Our Harm Reduction team provides confidential and anonymous support for people who use substances by supplying sanitary injection and inhalation drug tools, Naloxone (Narcan), and overdoes prevention training to help reduce the harm and risks associated with substance use disorder. Working closely with the Hepatitis C Team, clients can be screened for Hepatitis C and then directly connected to care in a timely and seamless manner. The Harm Reduction team can also offer testing for other STBBI’s, addiction services, counselling, and primary care. The Harm Reduction and Overdose Prevention Team provides accepting and non-judgmental support for those who use drugs or are affected by a person who sufferers from substance use disorder.


For more information, visit our Harm Reduction page.

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