Geriatric Assessment and Intervention Network (GAIN)
The goal of the Geriatric Assessment and Intervention Network (GAIN) Community Team is to provide specialized geriatric care to support frail seniors (generally 75 years plus) living at home or in retirement residences, who have multiple complex medical and social problems including:
- Cognitive impairment
- Responsive behaviours
- Decreased function
- Falls or risk of falls
- Impaired mobility
- Incontinence and/or
- Multiple medications
The GAIN Team at DCHC draws upon the expertise of our Nurse Practitioners, Occupational Therapist, Pharmacist, Dietitians, dedicated GAIN/Home & Community Care Services Coordinators, and Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO) clinician, working in collaboration with consulting Geriatricians and other specialists.
Referral Process for GAIN
Please be advised that GAIN is now live on the Ocean eReferral Network.
To send e-Referrals via OCEAN, if you are already an Ocean user, please add this listing to your Favourites on your Ocean Healthmap:
If you are not already an Ocean user, you may reach our clinician referral form on our website program page, at this link:
Please go to this form and complete and send the eReferral form. It will appear in our Ocean portal as an Ocean referral.
For more information on this, please click here.